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I shared this post last year because I was receiving a lot of questions regarding what makeup I use. So, today I wanted to do a repost with an update to some of my favorite products and beauty tips.


I’m OBSESSED with the Dior Airflash Airbrush foundation (seen above). It makes your skin glow without looking greasy. I used to put it on the back of my hand and then apply it to my face with a foundation brush. But, this makeup actually works a lot better if you spray it lightly on your face and spread with your brush – adding more as needed. I just put my hair back in an old towel to avoid getting it all over the place – including in my hair.

Other foundation faves:

Full Coverage: MAC Studio Fix (I wear NW20 and NW25)

Moisturizing Medium Coverage: MAC Pro Longwear Nourishing Waterproof Foundation

Light Coverage: I like Almay’s Smart Shade CC cream, but I’d also love to try bareMinerals Complexion Rescue Tinted Hydrating Gel Cream.


I’d love to try out a contouring makeup kit one day, but thanks to a beauty tip I got from a makeup artist while working in TV – you can make your own for about $12 and it’ll last you a lot longer. For the darker shade I buy Covergirl pressed powder in a color that’s about 3 shades darker than my skin. I put it in the hollows of my cheeks, up around my hairline and below my jawline. For highlighter I use concealer (most of the time it’s Covergirl PhotoReady concealer).

If you want to go a little further, you can either set it with pressed powder (love Ben Nye’s Banana Powder – a favorite of the Kardashians). If you’re dry try adding a liquid highlighter (OBSESSED with Marc Jacobs’ Dew Drops Coconut Gel Highlighter!!!)


I was on a crazed hunt for the perfect nude lip color. I went on Pinterest and countless makeup blogs trying to find the best one for my skin tone. That hunt left me with two makeup bags filled to the brim with lipsticks and a feeling of disappointment. HOWEVER… one day I came across MAC lipstick in “Whirl” and “Velvet Teddy” and never went back.

These are my two FAVES! They look great alone or blended together. Also, make sure to get the “Whirl” lipliner. Check out the video below to see how I line my lips to make them appear fuller:


If I know I won’t be able to re-apply anytime soon I’ll line my entire lip with the lip pencil and then layer the lipstick on over top. Needless to say, if MAC ever stops making these products I’m going to 1) Freak out 2) Create a petition 3) If all else fails buy every last one they have online 4) If that doesn’t work – I riot!


Last time I wrote this makeup-must-have post I was using CoverGirl eyebrow pencils. They’re only about $5 at your local drugstore and do the trick just fine. However, over the past year I’ve been trying to branch out with what I put on my brows. It’s been a LONG search… but I think I’ve found one that does the trick AND is fairly budget friendly and LASTS. I’ve been using it everyday for the past four months and it still hasn’t run out!

It’s LashFOOD Aqua Brow Powder + Pencil Duo. If you try it out, let me know what you think!


I used to never curl my lashes. I’m talkin’ 27 years of never curling them. I thought my lashes were long enough that I didn’t have to. Now I curl them even if I’m not wearing mascara. Unless I’m at an event or going out on the weekends I like to keep my eye makeup fairly natural. Curling my lashes makes my eyes look bigger and more awake. I have small eyes and a very thin eyelid, so this little extra step help a lot when I don’t feel like doing the whole eye makeup thang.

Thanks again for stopping by The Noms Niche! I know this post was a biggie, but I love sharing my favorite makeup products with you all!

Also, I want to know, what’s your beauty secret? Do you have a product you can’t live without? I’d love to try it! Let me know in the comments below. I love to hear from you all 😉

Love, Lindsey





  1. Loved this post! So chatty & informal, just some tips & tricks. Brilliant!.. I’ve also never gone for expensive brow products. Theres simple no need with brands like NYX giving the same quality as higher end ones!

    Katie // Words by Katie

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Thanks Katie! And I totally agree about brow products. I’ve actually used NYX brow pencils and loved those too.

  2. Katelyn Rutt says:

    I love this! It was so informative, yet so fun to read (and great to hear a few of your favorite products since you are goals)! Girl I totally use the Covergirl brow pencils too! I have a few things in my makeup collection that I always go back to, just because they work better than anything else! 🙂
    -Kate // http://www.classyandkate.com

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      I’m glad you liked it! I love talking beauty and hearing about other people’s tips so I’m glad I got to do this post. And yeah – Covergirl pencils are my JAM. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Love the lip colors you recommended and contouring tips. I use Lancôme mascara; have for years…what do you use?

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Hahah… Mom… you can stop pretending. People know you (remember The Mother’s Day post?) Thank you for always leaving me nice comments and being so supportive. You’re the BEST! Love you momma! 🙂

  4. I love this post, girlie! It looks like I just may need to try some new products, mainly the Dior foundation, the MAC lippies! I’ve heard great things about Dior’s foundation in general, but haven’t tried it myself for some reason. Probably b/c ULTA is closest to me than Sephora and they don’t sell Dior. I love that it has a spray, I find that pretty cool! I’ve been using Milani’s ‘Nude’ for a while now b/c I’ve been disappointed w/everything else I’ve tried, so I’ll have to check out these two. I’ve also never really curled my lashes b/c I never found it necessary, but being that you’ve noticed a difference, I’ll have to try it out! Thanks so much for sharing, beauty, and I hope you have a great day!



    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Thanks so much Jalisa! I got the Dior Airflash foundation back in April and love it! If you’re looking for something a little less expensive I also use Revlon’s PhotoReady Airbrush Effect. As for the eyelash curling… TOTAL DIFFERENCE! My eyes just look wider and more awake. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your sweet words 🙂

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Hi Kali! I use it for special occasions and shoots, but since I’ve run out I’ve been either going bare (gasp) or wearing the Airflash. And you need to get on the MAC bandwagon gurrrrrl! Their lipsticks are my fave because they stay – and the paint pot pro keeps my eye shadow in place all day long. thanks for stopping by!

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Yes girl. You have got to try it. They put it on me for my wedding and I was amazed. And you can’t beat MAC lipstick. Thanks so much for stopping by!

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Dude… I’m obsessed. Basically all the women in my family use it… and I have a lot of women in my family. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Wow I love all these product reviews and tips! I am not a makeup person and just use the basics so it’s nice to see it all laid out here. I always want the perfect nude lippie too so I definitely have to give your suggestions a try and that foundation. Thanks for all the info! xoxo, Christine

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      It’s the best! Sometimes when I’m just wearing CC cream I throw some on my cheeks and it makes your skin look amazing and clean.

  6. Alina Bostan says:

    Love reading people’s favourite makeup picks, I’m so nosey haha! The Dior Airflash foundation sounds amazing, I’m yet to try on a spray on foundation x

    Beauty with charm

  7. Such great tips! I totallyyyy need to get in the habit of curling my eyelashes. I am 28 and never curl them! Though I KNOW it makes a huge difference. The thing I mainly skip on are high end mascaras. I find that drugstore mascaras work so well and often even better. 🙂

    -Emily http://www.coatandcoffee.com

  8. Jeanette Radmall says:

    Hey!!! You answered my question about your perfect eyebrows! Yasss! Thanks!
    Hairspray? I would never think to do that. Brilliant!

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Thanks so much 🙂 Let me know what you think if you try any of these products

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