Don’t know what to get the host who has everything? I found three unique gift ideas that she’s be happy to display at her next soiree.
The ultimate party host has invited you to another one of her immaculate holiday parties, and once again you don’t know what to bring as a gift. Her fridge is always stocked, she has the most adorable decorations, and she always pulls it off effortlessly. What do you get someone like that? Well, you’ll have to get creative. Here are three unique gifts from uncommon goods that are sure to wow even the most prepared hostess with the mostest:
Wine Pairing Towel Set
A conversation starter for sure! Each of these towels features 68 popular wines and 56 different foods. That’s 3,808 possible pairings! There are two separate red and white guides with easy to follow grids. The pairings are also rated excellent, good or best avoided. Also, these clothes make great tea towels.
Slate Cheese Boards with Soapstone Chalk
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been to a party where there’s a slew of cheese options, but no one really knows what cheese is what. I’m always the one that ends up eating the blueberry brie (not a fan). This Slate of the Art Cheese board from uncommon goods alleviates that problem! It doubles as a chalkboard, so you can label which cheese is which. Plus, it’s also really pretty! These boards are available in red and black and each has it’s own unique edging.
Hidden Crystal Candle
Remember eating cereal as a kid? Most of the boxes included little prizes inside. Think of these candles from uncommon goods as an adult version of that, except better. These Hidden Crystal Candles are handmade of soy and they each contain a hidden crystal associated with healing, luck or success. After the crystal is revealed, you can carry the crystal around in your purse or pocket as a reminder of it’s symbolic meaning.
Love, Lindsey
Nice post!!!
Visiting cards
Thanks for these suggestions! Great tips
X Merel
Thanks so much Merel!