The blog post nobody asked for, but I’m bored and thought I might as well share the s*** I’ve been buying since the self-quarantine started. Why? Because retail therapy is proven to be an effective coping mechanism.

Before anyone can label this post as “insensitive,” let me first address that I am fully aware of the seriousness of the situation. I work in the news industry and am surrounded by new information coming in all the time regarding this pandemic. I am also still going into work part-time (and sanitizing full-time) because it’s my job and news stations don’t shut down in a crisis.

It’s a scary time for everyone and my heart aches for families effected by COVID-19. We really are all in this together, and if you’d like to make a donation I’ve included a few reputable spots we’ve been donating to below.

CDC Foundation’s Coronavirus Defense Fund

Meals on Wheels

Feeding America

You can also purchase gift cards online from your local small businesses as they really are taking a hit right now.

With that being said, I also believe that if we can find as many silver-linings as possible in these gloomy days then we’ll all be better off. Spending time with my family is my silver lining. So is buying new loungewear. So, let’s get to it…

Here is the s*** I’ve bought since the quarantine started…

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Stay healthy everyone!

Love, Lindsey


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