pregnancy update, pregnant, pregnant life, pregnant blogger, 25 weeks pregnant, pink blush, pinkblush dress, maternity, maternity clothes, maternity style, style the bump, blonde hair, the nomis niche, Lindsey Simon, Las Vegas blogger, mom blogger, lifestyle blogger,

I can’t believe we’re already at the 25 week mark! Here’s an update on how things are going; including my cravings, weight gain, and how I’m dressing the bump.

*Wearing PinkBlush dress


The ice cream and pickles cravings are real! Not at one time… but separately… oh my gosh it’s like I can’t get enough. I’ll order two whole pickles whenever we go to Jimmy John’s (that’s 8 pickle spears people) and I want ice cream every night. I’ve been trying to eat frozen yogurt or those Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches instead of the full fat versions to be “healthier” – but let’s be real – that’s just so I can eat more.

I also want fruit – specifically mango. I had some in Whole Foods the other day and it wasn’t until my third slice that I realized I was making noises… in public… before I had paid for the mango. I have apparently forgotten how to act appropriately in society.


I still get asked this a lot. While I didn’t have any morning sickness the first trimester, I have had some food aversions. The first time I yacked was over plain Cheerios. The second time was over shredded mini wheats. I guess baby boy doesn’t like bland cereal. Maybe it was the almond milk? Either way… weird.


The question no one wants to ask, but everyone wants to know. I don’t mind. I’ve gained 20 pounds since the beginning of this pregnancy. While that seems like a lot to me, my doctor says I’m right on schedule.

I will say that other people have no problem in telling me how I look. I’ve heard “she’s getting fatter,” “getting chubbier” and “getting wider” just to name a few.  I know they don’t mean any harm by it, but it’s still hurtful. I’m not writing this to bash. I just hope that people understand their words have impact, no matter how they mean for them to come out. I think it’s probably best to just forgot commenting on a woman’s weight altogether – especially when she’s trying to grow a baby inside of her.

I’m honesty not upset about the weight gain. It’s part of the process, and one that I feel privileged to take part in. As long as I’m eating regularly and as healthy as possible, then I’m doing the right thing for this baby and that’s all that matters at this moment.

On the flip side, I’ve heard a number of times how my bump is too small. And to be honest… it is! My doctor says he’s measuring about two weeks behind schedule, but that’s it’s normal in taller women. I have an incredibly long torso, so now when people comment about my “too small” bump I explain that he just has a lot of wiggle room. It’s like he’s flying A-Class and has the max amount of leg room available.


 I haven’t had that much trouble sleeping. The most difficult thing was getting used to sleeping on my side instead of my stomach. It took about a week, but after that I was fine. I hear those pregnancy pillows are a dream though! The only tie I get up is to pee, which could be about three times throughout the night.


I pee a little every time I sneeze. I actually did it during our gender reveal photo shoot and had to go home and change afterwards. I didn’t realize this was going to happen BEFORE I gave birth. I feel like this would’ve been some helpful info to have had pre-pregnancy.


 The second trimester energy boost is a myth. At least for me. It’s still difficult to concentrate, but instead of getting stressed over it I’m learning to just accept things for how they are. For the most part I’m in a good mood, but I do have my moments. The sadness is unrelated to the pregnancy and comes at random times. If you follow me on Instagram, then you may already know that I lost my mother last month. I’ll most likely write about that at a later time, but for now I’m just trying to keep my mind busy on other things at the moment.

I’ve been trying to keep myself calm and positive so that the baby feels the same way. We’ve been through a lot together these past few months. I’m trying to spend the second half of this pregnancy upbeat, relaxed and happy (after all, I have a lot to be thankful for!)


 Learning to dress for this new body has been a challenge! My regular clothes obviously don’t fit, and I’m just NOW able to fit into some of the maternity clothes. ASOS has a great maternity selection. I also love Ingrid & Isabel for their dresses and jumpsuits. They also have a line at Target – which is where I got my maternity jeans. I have a light wash, dark wash, black denim and a pair of black slacks. They’re so comfortable! I also have a few pieces from PinkBlush, including the dress I’m wearing in the photo above, a super soft jumpsuit, and the striped tee that I wore in a previous post.

I’ll do a full post on all my maternity purchases soon, but in the meantime, here are some other recent buys…

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Would you all like for me to keep doing updates? Also, our baby boy’s nursery is almost complete! Would you like a tour? Or… are you over the baby stuff and just want fashion and beauty? That’s OK too haha! Just let me know in the comment section 🙂

Love, Lindsey



  1. Eileen Dellorso says:

    Absolutely keep updates. I love hearing about everything. I would love to tour the nursery too.
    You look so amazing,, I see your Moms smile.

    1. says:

      Awesome! Thank you so much Eileen! We are almost done with the nursery, so I’ll be sure to share! 🙂

  2. You Look Stunning in that dress!
    And I’m craving Mango too!
    (I’m not growing a human though )

    1. says:

      Hahah! Mango is the best!!!!

  3. You look absolutely stunning! I can’t believe people would comment on you gaining weight – of course you are, you are growing a baby, but it’s still not very nice to hear! Cravings are so much fun haha, I remember craving sour cream & onion Pringles with tomato juice in my 1st trimester because those were the only 2 things that would keep me from throwing up… 😀

    Scent of Summer

    1. says:

      Thank you so much Anett. And sour cream and onion Pringles… how funny!

    1. says:

      Thank you so much pretty girl.

    1. says:

      Thank you so much!

  4. You look amazing! People always commented my bump was ‘too small’ as well. I think they meant it as a compliment, but my philosophy on how make a comment on a pregnant woman’s body is to just tell her she looks amazing, glowing and perfect…and NEVER anything else. HA! I’m tall too, so I measure 2-4 weeks behind schedule and I have nine pound babies! You look perfect and I have loved watching you style your bump!

    1. says:

      Thank you so much for saying that Jeanette. Oh man… Lord help me if he’s nine pounds hahaha!!!

  5. Betty Phelps says:

    I love seeing about your pregnancy. I am so excited and looking forward to when he arrives. Please keep informing us.

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