Easy ways to make money selling your unwanted clothes


I’m a big believer in recycling clothing. One of the reasons is because it reduces your carbon-footprint, (two cheers for Mother Earth!) another is because it’s one of the easiest ways to make cold… hard…. CASH! I love thrift shopping (the three outfits you see above all incorporate something I found at a consignment shop), but I also resell a lot of my clothes too. It cleans out my closet and puts a little more money in my pocket to buy… what else… more clothes.

While ebay is a great outlet for buying and selling, there are now more options than ever to do it – and sometimes you don’t even have to leave home! Here are a few ways to make ‘dat money honey… 

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Pink Ruffles


Welp… never really thought I’d be wearing ruffles (let alone PINK ruffles), but thankfully the flouncy frills have gotten a major makeover this spring. Think less “Toddlers & Tiaras”… more romantic rock star. 

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White Summer Dress


Hey guys! No, you haven’t come to the wrong blog. Yes… it is me. I have put down the ripped jeans and slipped into a summer dress that has me wishing I was in a field of flowers under a clear blue sky. Next best thing? Buy some flowers from the store down the road and stand in front of a blue wall. shrugs shoulders

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My mom and me. I’m about one year old, which would make her the age I am today.

As Mother’s Day inched closer I was thinking of  all the different gifts I was going to include in my “Mother’s Day Gift Guide” post. From perfumes to candles, jewelry, etc. But in the end – I decided to get a little more personal today by sharing with you all the little gifts my mom has given ME over the years. 

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