Hello everyone! Yes, we are still waiting on Baby Ollie’s arrival. Yes, I’m still very pregnant. Yes, I’m losing my mind.
As we wait for our little one to finally decide to come and greet the world, I thought I’d share what I’ve packed in my hospital bag (which has been ready to go for about a month now!)
Here’s what’s in my bag…
Nursing Nightgown & Robe – I packed this for the last day when we would most likely be taking pictures. If you’re normally a PJ pants and top person, I recommend trying out a nursing nightgown just this once. You never know if you’re going to need a C-section, and I imagine the waistband of a PJ pant can get a little uncomfortable.
Slippers /Socks– Because there’s been a lot of gross stuff on those hospital floors.
Plastic flip flops – For when it’s time to shower up. Again, I don’t want to know what’s been in those showers.
Going home outfit for mom – I stuck with a midi dress to make things easy. I packed a gray and white t-shirt midi dress from asos as well as a black midi dress from Isabella Oliver.
Going home outfit for baby – I packed three outfits. Two for newborns and one for 3 month olds just in case he’s a big baby. I also have two swaddle blankets in there just in case.
Car seat – Not in my bag, but a necessity for sure! We bought The Doona and LOVE it! It’s a car seat, carrier, and stroller in one!
Toothbrush and basic toiletries – If you have a collection of little hotel shampoo bottles and tiny toothpastes like we do, this is the perfect time to finally use them.
Hairbrush & elastics – So I can do some hair tutorials from the hospital. Just kidding. But, I figured I would probably want to throw my hair up at some point during labor.
A few makeup products– Not too much. Just enough to make yourself look decent for any photos that will most likely be taken. CC cream, chapstick, mascara and an eyebrow pencil are my must-haves.
Something happy – This was actually a suggestion from Mike, and it’s a really good one. Just in case I need some motivation, we decided to pack a framed sonogram of baby Oliver. I’ll be able to look at it whenever I need a little push (pun intended). My mother also wrote me a letter before she passed away earlier this year. We’re supposed to open it the day Ollie is born, and it’s been so hard not to peek and to keep it sealed these past few months. This was one of the first things I packed.
Snacks for your partner – You may not be able to eat during labor, but your partner definitely should! Granola bars, protein bars, anything that isn’t too loud or crunchy.
Big undies & a nursing bra – I brought some bigger undies to fit over those lady diapers I’ve been hearing so much about. P.S. A tip from some of my friends: steal as many lady diapers from the hospital as you can! I also packed a nursing bra. I’ve been wearing this style from Target and love it! I bought two, one in beige and one in black, in a size medium.
Breast Pump – We’re bringing this so the lactation expert can show us how to use it before we go home. We have the Lansinoh pump, which came highly recommended.
Phone & long cord phone charger – Just in case there isn’t a plug nearby, it’s smart to have an extra long cord on you.
Camera – You’ll definitely want to capture this moment in your life! Phone cameras work too.
Love, Lindsey