rent the runway, color block, pregnant, 9 months pregnant, pregnancy style, maternity style, casual style, summer, spring, Las Vegas, California, laid back, boho, date night, weekend, sundress, midi dress, maxi dress, blonde, fashion blogger, style blogger, Las Vegas blogger, mom blogger, mom style, Lindsey Simon, The Nomis NicheHappy first day of summer! Yes, I’m still pregnant, and yes I’m very ready for him to come out. In the meantime, here’s another midi dress that is perfect for the season.  I feel like I’ve been living in midi and maxi dresses lately, but I can’t help it! They’re so comfortable and have been a HUGE help getting me through this last trimester – especially with the heat reaching over 100 degrees.


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There’s a reason I’ve been wearing a lot of midi / maxi dresses lately. They aren’t just comfortable and super functional (I’ve completely given up trying to cross my legs during these last few weeks of pregnancy). They’re also great for after baby comes too!

I rented this Veda dress from Rent The Runway, which offers massive discounts if you decide to buy. I’m debating keeping this one for myself as it’s so comfortable and light weight – perfect for summer.

As for the shoes… I can barely fit into any of mine right now! These studded black sliders from Public Desire have been a saving grace as they can still slide on over my swollen feetsies.

rent the runway, color block, pregnant, 9 months pregnant, pregnancy style, maternity style, casual style, summer, spring, Las Vegas, California, laid back, boho, date night, weekend, sundress, midi dress, maxi dress, blonde, fashion blogger, style blogger, Las Vegas blogger, mom blogger, mom style, Lindsey Simon, The Nomis Niche

rent the runway, color block, pregnant, 9 months pregnant, pregnancy style, maternity style, casual style, summer, spring, Las Vegas, California, laid back, boho, date night, weekend, sundress, midi dress, maxi dress, blonde, fashion blogger, style blogger, Las Vegas blogger, mom blogger, mom style, Lindsey Simon, The Nomis Niche

rent the runway, color block, pregnant, 9 months pregnant, pregnancy style, maternity style, casual style, summer, spring, Las Vegas, California, laid back, boho, date night, weekend, sundress, midi dress, maxi dress, blonde, fashion blogger, style blogger, Las Vegas blogger, mom blogger, mom style, Lindsey Simon, The Nomis Niche

rent the runway, color block, pregnant, 9 months pregnant, pregnancy style, maternity style, casual style, summer, spring, Las Vegas, California, laid back, boho, date night, weekend, sundress, midi dress, maxi dress, blonde, fashion blogger, style blogger, Las Vegas blogger, mom blogger, mom style, Lindsey Simon, The Nomis Niche


rent the runway, color block, pregnant, 9 months pregnant, pregnancy style, maternity style, casual style, summer, spring, Las Vegas, California, laid back, boho, date night, weekend, sundress, midi dress, maxi dress, blonde, fashion blogger, style blogger, Las Vegas blogger, mom blogger, mom style, Lindsey Simon, The Nomis Niche

rent the runway, color block, pregnant, 9 months pregnant, pregnancy style, maternity style, casual style, summer, spring, Las Vegas, California, laid back, boho, date night, weekend, sundress, midi dress, maxi dress, blonde, fashion blogger, style blogger, Las Vegas blogger, mom blogger, mom style, Lindsey Simon, The Nomis Niche rent the runway, color block, pregnant, 9 months pregnant, pregnancy style, maternity style, casual style, summer, spring, Las Vegas, California, laid back, boho, date night, weekend, sundress, midi dress, maxi dress, blonde, fashion blogger, style blogger, Las Vegas blogger, mom blogger, mom style, Lindsey Simon, The Nomis Niche

Love, Lindsey


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