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I’m at that point in my pregnancy where I’m no longer trying to hide my bump, I’m embracing it…


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maternity style, maternity, edgy, street style, pregnancy style, pregnancy outfit, maternity outfit, 23 weeks pregnant, 2nd trimester, second trimester, blogger maternity style, fashion blogger, beauty blogger, blonde hair, blonde melt, Rooty blonde, shadow blonde, Gucci bag, heart heels, leather jacket, edgy style, edgy outfit, spring style, the nomis niche, Lindsey Simon, Lindsey Simon Gurk, street style, spring 2018

maternity style, maternity, edgy, street style, pregnancy style, pregnancy outfit, maternity outfit, 23 weeks pregnant, 2nd trimester, second trimester, blogger maternity style, fashion blogger, beauty blogger, blonde hair, blonde melt, Rooty blonde, shadow blonde, Gucci bag, heart heels, leather jacket, edgy style, edgy outfit, spring style, the nomis niche, Lindsey Simon, Lindsey Simon Gurk, street style, spring 2018

maternity style, maternity, edgy, street style, pregnancy style, pregnancy outfit, maternity outfit, 23 weeks pregnant, 2nd trimester, second trimester, blogger maternity style, fashion blogger, beauty blogger, blonde hair, blonde melt, Rooty blonde, shadow blonde, Gucci bag, heart heels, leather jacket, edgy style, edgy outfit, spring style, the nomis niche, Lindsey Simon, Lindsey Simon Gurk, street style, spring 2018

maternity style, maternity, edgy, street style, pregnancy style, pregnancy outfit, maternity outfit, 23 weeks pregnant, 2nd trimester, second trimester, blogger maternity style, fashion blogger, beauty blogger, blonde hair, blonde melt, Rooty blonde, shadow blonde, Gucci bag, heart heels, leather jacket, edgy style, edgy outfit, spring style, the nomis niche, Lindsey Simon, Lindsey Simon Gurk, street style, spring 2018


I’ve been thinking up ways to dress my bump while still staying true to my personal style, and guess what… it’s hard! But, after some trial and error, I’ve found a few outfit combos that tend to work for my body type/bump/style. Outside of a few maternity jeans, I’ve been trying to stick with regular sizes so that I can (hopefully) re-wear them after the baby is born. I’ve found that knit dresses, jackets, oversized sweaters and flowy maxis have been doing the trick.


As for my recent hiatus from The Nomis Niche, if you follow me on Instagram then you already know I recently lost my mother. I decided to take a week off from blogging and social media to spend time with my family and get my mind right. I’m sure I’ll open up more about this down the road, but I’ll need some time. Thank you for your understanding and for your patience. I also can’t thank you enough for all your kind comments and messages. Social media gets a bad rap sometimes, but this experience has showed me how it can help people connect. The amount of kindness I’ve received has truly been overwhelming.

In the meantime, I’m going to keep myself busy by creating more outfits, hairstyles, testing out more beauty products and getting the nursery ready. It’s going to be a wild next few months, but I’m excited to share it with you!

Love, Lindsey



    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Thanks so much girl!

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Thanks so much Jessi – you’re so sweet!

    1. lindseysimon@yahoo.com says:

      Thank you so much I really appreciate it.

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